Wednesday, July 31, 2019

NTUC Management Restructuring

NTUC Chief Lim Boon Heng has urged the management of companies undergoing restructuring to take union leaders into confidence, so that the legitimate concerns of workers can be addressed in good time. Citing the restructuring of the Public Utilities Board as an example, he said the exercise was carried out smoothly because of the close cooperation between the management and the union. Speaking at the first triennial delegates conference of the Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE), Mr Lim said that companies responded to challenges in various ways – some through restructuring to meet new market demands, and others through mergers. For wokers, these changes can be unsettling, and restructuring sometimes leads to retrenchments. But in the case of Singapore Power's restructuring, the NTUC Chief noted that the PUB management had taken the company's union leaders into confidence even before the news was made public; it showed that openess between management and union was the better policy. â€Å"When management are open with the union leaders, the legitimate concerns of workers can be addressed, leading to a smooth transition,† Mr Lim said. Unfortunately for us, there are many management that adopt a different approach, informing the union only at the last moment, giving union leaders little time to respond and no time to address workers concerns. † Mr Lim also announced that the union's present general secretary, Nithinandhan, would now become its executive secretary, so that he could represent workers from all unions formed under Singapore Power or its subsidiary companies. We made some changes to our constitution handing the powers to the executive secretary to deal with all collective agreements, and to negotiate on behalf of major grievances with management and be the main person corresponding with all employers and external agencies and work out policies for all branches on industrial relations,† Mr Nithinandhan said. He said the union's relations with the management had been excellent and plans were underway for joint committees on training and workplace environment to better look into the needs of workers.

Rikki Tikki Tavi Essay

When Ricketier hears Nag and Angina plotting to harm his family, he immediately begins to think of a way to help out, â€Å"Now, if kill him here, Nag an will know; and if I fight him on the open floor, the odds are in his favor. † (Para 54) . This proves bravery because Ricketier is thinking about the wellbeing of his family before he's thinking about his wellbeing and the consequences. Courage is demonstrate dated here because it shows even though that most individuals may think of a moon goose as a small creature, Ricketier demolishes that idea by being brave when it matter the most.While Ricketier is talking with Nag, a slight wave of anger washes over h â€Å"Well,† said Ricketier, and his tail began to fluff up again, â€Å"marks or no marks, do you think it is right for you to eat fledglings out of a nest? † (Para 25). Ricketier stop d up for a friend even though he was unsure about what might happen next. Ricketier w as kind enough to help out somebody he didn't know well. If Ricketier decided to go o n the â€Å"renouncement† path, then he wouldn't have been as willing to step up. These w re just a few examples Of Ricketier showing daring and friendly behavior.In the story, Angina IS determined and protective. In paragraph 88, Angina states that she wants to bite Teddy and his family to get rid of Ricketier. She made a plan and stuck to it. This acknowledges the fact that Angina didn't let her fee r of Ricketier stop her from doing what she wanted to do. Even though people HTH ink of snakes as tough creatures, they do get scared sometimes. The fact that Nag an didn't let fear stop her proves that the size of a person doesn't indicate the size of the argue. Angina is similar to Rollicking because Ricketier kept on trying until reached his goal.As Ricketier tells Angina that he has possession of one of h ere eggs she â€Å"spun clear round, forgetting everything for the sake of the one egg,† (par a 95). The character tr ait, protectiveness, is shown because Angina was willing to Stop important task to save her family. She was brave enough to turn her back in a dangerous situation and was willing to risk herself to save one of her eggs. Risk kiting has a similarity to Angina because he saved his family multiple times even w en it meant danger for him.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Although the foetus has no right to life, its interests are adequately protected by English law.

Introduction The right to life is a moral principle that is based upon the premise that all individuals have a right not to be killed by another human being. This concept that is central to the debates surrounding abortion since it is often contested whether unborn children should also have the right to life. Those in favour of abortion often take the view that a foetus is not sufficiently human to be capable of acquiring a right to life, whilst those in opposition believe that a foetus is human and that its right to life should therefore be protected. There is currently no direct right to life that is provided to a foetus, yet the law in the UK does make some attempt to protect its interests. This essay will focus on the interests that are provided to foetus’ in order to consider whether adequate protection is in place. In doing so, it will be examined whether every woman should have a right to abortion on demand or whether the interests of the foetus should be given due consideration. A ccordingly, it will be shown that because there are arguments for and against the interests of the foetus, it is necessary for the law to strike a balance between the two competing interests. This does appear to have been achieved to a certain degree since the interests of the mother are being preserved, whilst also providing some protection to the foetus. The right to life The right to life is provided to all individuals under Article 2 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) 1951, as incorporated by the Human Rights Act (HRA) 1998. Whether or not a foetus has a right to life, however, is a highly contested topic because although the foetus does not have a right to life per se, it appears as though its interests are still being protected by the law to a certain extent.[1] On the one hand, it is believed that all women should have the right to do as they wish with their own bodies and that they should therefore have a right to abortion, yet on the other it is believed that the interests of a foetus should be provided with adequate protection.[2] The law in England does seem to have attempted to strike a balance between these two competing interests by permitting abortion, whilst at the same time imposing some restrictions. Under English law (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990) abortion is permitted until the 24th week of a pregnancy. Whilst this provides women with the right to choose what to do with their own bodies, it prevents them from having abortions in the later stages of pregnancy. Because abortion is not legally available at the request of the woman, it has been argued by the Abortion Rights Campaign that; â€Å"women’s access to abortion can be and is still threatened.†[3] This is because, once a woman has decided that she wants to have an abortion, she will first be required to persuade two doctors to agree to her decision taking into consideration certain restrictive legal criteria.[4] Therefore, even though women are capable of having an abortion up until the 24th week of pregnancy, it will be the doctors that make the final decision. And, if they do not agree that the relevant criterion has been satisfied, they will not have to carry out the abortion. This protection is in place to enable the rights of the unborn child to be ascertained in circumstances which would render an abortion unlawful. However, the extent to which such rights are being adequately protected is in fact arguable. Confliction continues to arise in this area because of the difficultly in striking a balance between the rights of the foetus and the rights of the mother. It cannot be said that this balance is currently being achieved as there remains strong opposition of both viewpoints. As pointed out by Mason and Laurie; â€Å"attitudes to abortion depend almost entirely on where the holder stands in respect of, on the one hand, the foetal interests in life and, on the other, a woman’s right to control her own body.†[5] Consequently, because the difference in opinions is based upon moral values rather than empirical facts, it is unlikely that such confliction will ever be resolved.[6] In effect, it is unlikely that a solid understanding of the rights in this area will ever be made as the controversy surrounding abortion will continue to exist. The Foetus’ Right to Life It is believed that the Abortion Act 1967 violates Article 2 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the basis that a child’s rights are not being adequately protected if women are able end their pregnancy if they so wish.[7] Section 1 of the 1967 Act provides that; â€Å"a person shall not be guilty of an offence under the law relating to abortion when a pregnancy is terminated by a registered medical practitioner.† In effect, women will not be found guilty of an offence is they decide to have an abortion. Whilst this section does appear to undermine the rights of the foetus, the fact that the termination must be conducted by a registered medical practitioner acting in good faith suggests that some form of protection will still be in place. Furthermore, as put by Herring; â€Å"for an abortion to be lawful, the abortion must comply with the requirements of the 1967 Abortion Act.†[8] Section 1 will therefore only apply if certain provisions can also be sa tisfied. Nevertheless, because abortions are rarely ever refused, it could be said that the provisions under Article 2 are being undermined and that the interests of the foetus are not, in reality, being adequately protected. In view of this, it has therefore been argued by Foster that the 1967 Act is not being used in the way that Parliament intended and that abortion are instead being used as another form of contraception.[9] This demonstrates how abortion is easily accessible to women, which limits the protection that is currently being provided to the foetus. It is likely that doctors will only refuse to conduct an abortion if the woman’s pregnancy has gone past the 24 week threshold or if the circumstances are exceptional. This signifies how the rights of unborn children are not being preserved, yet it is debatable whether further protections ought to be in place. The right to life is an extremely sensitive subject since it basically provides a right to every human being not be killed.[10] However, much complexity exists when considering the right to life in the context of unborn children. It is difficult to determine whether the mother’s rights should prevail over the rights of the unborn child or vice versa. However, it has been said that the right to life is a human right that is â€Å"inviolable and must be protected at all costs.†[11] If this statement was to be taken strictly, every abortion would be considered a violation of one’s human rights and would not be permitted. However, in order to ensure that the rights of the mother are also being protected it is necessary that abortions are permitted in certain circumstances. This would ensure that a balance is attained between the two competing interests by allowing abortions to take place only if it is deemed necessary. Consequently, abortions should not be used carelessly as another form of contraception and this would means that the rights of the mother are being given greater consideration than the rights of the foetus. Abortions should therefore not be as accessible as they currently are and should only be permitted in limited situations. It is unclear what extent the interests of the foetus are actually being considered and it seems as though the right to life is being violated by the abortion process and so further protections may need to be provided to the foetus so that the rights of unborn children are given the same considerations as the mother. At present, it appears as though the rights of the mother prevail over the rights of the foetus, despite the restrictions that are in place. In order to ensure that the foetus right to life is being protected, it is necessary to impose further restrictions upon the mother’s ability to have an abortion. At present, a mother is capable of aborting a foetus for various reasons including the fact that the child will suffer from a disability. Many people do not agree that this should be a reason to end the life of a foetus, though it is legal in the UK for a woman to abort a baby on grounds of disability up to birth. As a result of this many parents opt for an abortion if pre-natal screening reveals that their baby is suffering from a disability. Moreover, it has also been suggested that the parents are even put under pressure to do so.†[12] The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children strongly disagrees with this approach and believes that; â€Å"a person with a disab ility has the right to life along with every other member of society: aborting a baby because he or she has, or even might have, a disability, is the ultimate form of discrimination.†[13] It cannot be said that the foetus’ right to life is being upheld as a result of this since they can be terminated at any point if they are found to have a disability. Not only does this undermined their right to life but it also discriminates against them on the grounds of their disability. As such, the provisions under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 are too not being complied with. In Vo v France,[14] however, it was made clear that Article 2 of the Convention is â€Å"silent as to the temporal limitations of the right to life, and in particular does not define ‘everyone’ whose life is protected by the Convention.† Effectively, it is clear that because Article 2 does not provide a definition as to who shall be protected, it is likely that the rights of the foetus will continue to be restricted. Jackson does not believe that the moral status of the foetus should be sufficiently wide enough to make abortion unlawful,[15] however, and it seems as though the European Court of Justice is also reluctant as identified in Open Door and Dublin Well Woman v Ireland.[16] Furthermore, in the case of X v United Kingdom[17] the ECJ also stated that the right to life would be subject to an implied limitation in order to respect the mother’s life even if this was at the expense of the foetus’ right to life under Article 2. Furthermore, it was also expressed in Paton v United Kingdom[18] that; â€Å"the life of the foetus is intimately connected with, and cannot be regarded in isolation from, the life of the pregnant woman.† This limited the rights of the foetus even further as it was demo nstrated that the right to life under Article 2 was not available even though the abortion was not considered necessary to protect the life of the mother. This was also identified in H v Norway,[19] which illustrates that even if an abortion occurred as a result of the mother’s choice and there lacked any specific reason for terminating the pregnancy, Article 2 will still not be capable of providing protection to a foetus if this is at the expense of the mothers rights. This seems to indicate that unborn children are not actually provided with any rights despite the fact that Article 2 initially seemed to protect such interests. The termination of a pregnancy will continue to be a morally and ethically complex issue, particularly if the reason for aborting relates to a foetal abnormality.[20] It has been pointed out that a clear legal framework is needed because of the complexities that exist in this area, though it was noted that this continues to prove extremely difficult to create.[21] The Rights of the Mother Whilst it is believed by many that the rights of the foetus should be given due consideration, it is equally argued that the rights of women should be considered foremost when deciding whether an abortion is lawful or not. This was shown in Roe v Wade[22] where it was made clear by the Court that a person has a right to abortion unless the foetus has become viable. This means that the foetus does not become a human being until it is capable of living outside the mother’s womb without any artificial aid.[23] Although this decision was made by a Court in the US, it sparked a significant amount of debate. It was argued on the one hand that a foetus becomes a child whilst it is still in the womb and that the decision whether or not to allow abortion to take effect should not be based upon whether a foetus has the capacity to enjoy life as a person.[24] It has been said that the decision in this case effectively allows an abortion on demand to take place.[25] On the other hand, how ever, it has been expressed by Loveland that; â€Å"the judgment neither produced abortion on demand nor allowed states to prevent late-stage terminations.†[26] The decision in Planned Parenthood v Casey[27] imposed further limitations on the rights of the mother when it was found that the viability period would be reduced from 24 weeks to 22 weeks. It is questionable whether this was sufficient in ensuring that the right to life of the foetus under Article 2 was being provided with greater protection since the rights of the mother will continue to prevail in the majority of situations. It could be said that it is necessary for the mother’s rights to be ascertained over the rights of the unborn child because women should be regarded as individuals as opposed to being merely containers for the foetus. In accordance with this, greater consideration should be given to the rights of the mother, though some protections should also be available for the unborn.[28] Arguably, it is important that both the rights of the mother and the unborn child shall be considered, though much more weight ought to be given to the mother’s interests as she is already considered a viable person. It has been contended by Herring that; â€Å"women who want an abortion should not be required to continue with the pregnancy.†[29] Therefore, although Article 2 expressly states that the right to life is to apply to â€Å"everyone†, the extent to which this applies to the foetus is arguable in view of the confliction that exists between the rights of the mother and the rights of the foetus. In A-G’s Reference (No 3 of 119)[30] it was noted that a foetus is not regarded as a â€Å"person† and will therefore not be directly protected by Article 2 of the Convention. It was further added that the only right to life in which a foetus has is implicitly limited by the mother’s rights and interests. This suggests that a foetus will only be provided with the right to life indirectly from the mothers right under Article 2. It is unclear whether this completely undermines a foetus’ right to life, though it seems likely given that that Article 2 will not be violated if a pregnancy is terminated. The Courts have expressed great reluctance to elucidate on this matter, by assessing whether Article 2 will provide rights to the foetus or not, because of the existing moral and ethical considerations. As a result, great complexity continues to exist within this area of the law and unless Article 2 is more clearly defined, complexity will continue to ensue. Yet, because of the moral issues that are prevalent throughout, it seems as though a single approach would not be workable. Therefore, the decision as to whether an abortion should be permitted or not will continue to be decided on a case by case basis. As such, it will depend primarily upon the circumstances of each case. This allows a certain degree of flexibility to exist which is necessary given that each case will differ from the next. However, it is likely that the rights of the mother will continue to be favoured over the rights of the unborn child. Nevertheless, because of the politics that surround abortion, the European Court of Human Rights has been said to be â€Å"wary of making a general rule concerning the legal status of the foetus, preferring to leave this question to the margin of appreciation.†[31] It cannot be said that this is acceptable given the ambiguity that arises within this area. But because there is no right or wrong answer as to whether the rights of the mother should prevail over the rights of the foetus the legal status of the foetus could not be defined by the Courts without attracting opposition. It could be said that the UK has made some attempt to identify the rights of the foetus despite the fact that no right to life exists, yet the extent to which these interests are being protected will be likely to remain debated. When the case of Vo was brought before the ECHR they appeared to focus more on the question as to when life begins as well the nature and characteristics of the foetus, as opposed to focusing on the relationship between the mother and her potential child and the others right to reproductive freedom and autonomy.[32] Therefore, the approach taken by the ECHR should have been based upon the recognition of foetal interests as well as the loss of a mother’s relationship. Whilst this would not have addressed all of the difficulties that arise in this area, it would have provided some recognition as to the interests of the foetus. Much more needs to be done if foetal interests are to be provided with greater protected, whilst at the same time maintaining the rights of the mother. The rights of the mother appear to be protected in favour of the rights of the foetus, yet it has been said that this ensure the human dignity of the mother is being preserved.[33] This is because if a mother was not provided with the choice to terminate a pregnancy, it is likely that their human dignity would be violated. Whilst this this may be at the expense of the rights enshrined in Article 2, it is deemed necessary in protecting the mother’s interests. Balancing the Rights It is doubtful that the rights of the foetus and the rights of the mother are being balanced since the rights of the foetus continue to be undermined. Whilst there are some protections in place to preserve the interests of the foetus, these do not appear sufficient and so it seems as though tighter restrictions ought to be implemented to ensure that abortion is not easily accessible. This would allow for a more acceptable balance to be attained because at present it seems to be largely one-sided. If abortion was only permitted in extreme circumstances, it would not be capable of being used as another form of contraception and the interests of the foetus would be better recognised. On the contrary, it is argued that further limitations would limit the mothers freedom to choose and their own rights would be undermined if Article 2 was to provide express rights to unborn children. Therefore, whilst abortion should still be permitted, limitations should be imposed so that the rights of the foetus are given better protection. It is unclear whether judges should be left to make a decision on whether an abortion is lawful or not since opinions will differ significantly on this subject. Thus, it cannot be said that judges should be left to decide upon moral issues. Whilst one judge may agree with abortion, another judge may not as individuals have different perceptions on what is and what is not morally right. This is why the courts have been quite reluctant to use a single approach when deciding upon the interests of a foetus and it seems that the matter is better left undefined. This was identified by Sandel when it was argued that there are differences of opinions as to whether abortion is morally reprehensible and therefore worthy of prohibition, whilst many avoid passing judgment on the morality of these practices.[34] The ECHR appears to have adopted the latter approach, by failing to provide a decision on the legal status of foetus’. This lack of definition may actually be in the interests of the foetus since rights are capable of being provided that may not have been had a definition been in place. The determination as to whether abortion should be a mother’s choice or not will be capable of being assessed differently in all cases. This is necessary given the diverging opinions that exist since it will continue to be argued by many that Article 2 should provide a right to â€Å"anyone† including unborn children, whilst others will continue to be of the view that the decision should be left with the freedom of choice as protected u nder Article 13 of the Convention. The current practice that is being adopted in striking a balance between the two competing interests does appear to be the most plausible approach to take since each case will be determined by its facts. This could, however, lead to judicial activism occurring, which appears to have happened in the Roe case above which was described by Thielen as â€Å"an incredible reach of judicial activism.†[35] Judicial activism occurs when a ruling is said to be based upon political or personal considerations as opposed to being based upon existing law.[36] Therefore, if when Courts are provided with the ability to decide upon matters concerning abortion, judicial activism is likely to emerge which undermines social policy and, in some instances, human rights. Still, as put forward by Ewing and Gearty; â€Å"English judges have shown a powerful engagement with the rights of the unborn in the past,†[37] yet whether violations of one’s huma n rights are arising out of this is likely and it seems quite difficult for a balance to be achieved between the rights of the unborn with the rights of the mother. Conclusion This area is extremely controversial and because of this it is difficult for legislators as well as the judiciary to make a decision as to whether a foetus does have rights. Many people are of the view that every woman should have the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion, yet not all agree with this. Instead, it is argued that women are capable of using abortion as a form of contraception because of how easily accessible it is. Whilst there are some restraints in place to prevent this from happening, such as the requirement to obtain permission from two doctors, it cannot be said that such measures are effective. This is because it is highly unlikely that an abortion would be refused unless the stages of pregnancy have gone past the 24 week threshold. Furthermore, because women are permitted to have an abortion past this stage if the unborn child is suffering from a disability, the rights of the foetus are being undermined even further. It is therefore questionable whet her the current law is effective in preserving the interests of the foetus since the law has not made it difficult for abortions to be performed. Therefore, it could be said that further restrictions are needed so as to balance the rights of the mother with the rights of the unborn child. Conversely, because there is a limit on the number of weeks a person can abort a foetus, it could be said that their interests are being adequately protected to a certain degree. Whether this is sufficient, however, is likely to remain a contestable subject for many years to come as there will continue to be differing opinions as to whether abortion should be so easily available. In effect, there are both strengths and weaknesses for right to abortion, yet it is questionable whether the strengths do in fact outweigh the weaknesses. BIBLIOGRAPHY Cases: A-G’s Reference (No 3 of 119) [1998] AC 245 H v Norway (1992) 73 D & R 155 Open Door and Dublin Well Woman v Ireland (1992) 14 EHRR 244 Paton v United Kingdom (1980) 3 EHRR 408 Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992) 404 U.S. 833 Roe v Wade (1973) 410 U.S. 113 Vo v France Judgement of 8 July 2004 40 EHRR 12 X v United Kingdom (1980) 19 D & R 244 Legislation: Abortion Act 1967 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 European Convention of Human Rights 1951 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 Human Rights Act 1998 Textbooks: Herring, J. Law Express: Medical Law (Revision Guide), Longman, 2nd Edition, (2009). Herring, J. Medical Law and Ethics, OUP Oxford, 3rd Edition, (2010). Hope, T., Savulescu, J. and Hendrick, J. Medical Ethics and Law: The Core Curriculum, Churchill Livingstone, 2nd Edition, (2008). Kaczor, C., The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice, (Routledge: London, 2013). Kennedy, I., Grubb, A., Laing, J. and McHale, J. 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Late Termination of Pregnancy for Foetal Abnormality: Medical and Legal Perspectives, Medical Law Review, Med Law Rev 2004.12 (285), (01 September, 2004).

Monday, July 29, 2019

The good, the bad, and the ugly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The good, the bad, and the ugly - Essay Example These evil things come in different ways, including, ethnicity, race, corruption, sex discrimination, drug abuse and even physical appearance. Occurrences of the wrong doing and evil things in To Kill a Mockingbird further maturity of Scout’s into a young woman. Representation of Evil according to Plato Plato must have had the love for art work since he talks about them often in his work. He was also perfect in literature style and story-telling; history has it that he was a poet before he met Socrates and became a philosopher. His influence on the western culture is enormous as shown in his work, and this includes Art work and its theories (Ife 30). He also provides a thought-experiment that is shown to teach human beings most of ideas on human nature, and this include our own. When Plato, through his character Glaucon, was discussing the definition of justice with the Socrates, they both try to give their best definitions (Ife 31). Socrates through his character Thrasymachus explains that justice is when the stronger in the society hold their interest, while the young Glaucon argues that more by questioning the commitment of human beings to justice. This story is portrayed as thought-experiment to human beings. ... As a tradition, Gyges was working for the king as a shepherd, and one day there was a strong storm followed by continuous earthquake, which made an opening in the earth at the same spot where Gyges was grazing his flock (Stewart & Levy 198). He jumped into the opening, and to his surprise he saw a body which appeared more than human to him than a stature and it had a glittering gold ring on it. When the shepherds met together to send their monthly report to the king, he became invisible and the other began speaking of him feeling he was not present. Through his powers, he was chosen as a messenger who was being sent to the court, to try and manage to seduce the queen. Moreover he conspired against the king and took over the kingdom (Stewart & Levy 198). This story of the magic ring is important to human beings as it shows what we can do when we acquire power. If it is true that Plato’s allegory of the ring is right, then we should watch consciously when we get power over other s. This mostly relates to politicians whom we give powers, with the expectation that they will do what is right to us (Stewart & Levy 198). Representation of evil in â€Å"To kill a mocking the bird† To kill a mocking bird explores human morality in the world, shows a perfect conversation in relation to evilness of human beings and inherent goodness. The novel approaches this by dramatizing Scout and Jem at their childhood age. They tend to believed that people are good on earth before they see evil, and transform at the adult stage when they have confronted evil (Bloom 95). In our world today we face numerous things in several forms, including racism, social inequality, discrimination of sex and even physical appearance. The occurrences of the bad and ugly in To kill a mocking

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Royal Prerogative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Royal Prerogative - Essay Example Albeit, Blair sought parliament’s assent for attacking Iraq, it was not mandatory for him to comply with the decision of parliament, in this matter7.The royal prerogative in declaring war was employed by the prime minister8, and this is bestowed by monarchs upon their ministers, without involving parliament9. Tony Blair’s abuse of the power to declare war actuated the MPs to have it removed from the royal prerogative10. Subsequent, to the Iraqi attack, the draft Constitutional Renewal  Bill was proposed, which seeks to reassign to parliament, some of the ministerial powers exercised under the royal prerogative11. In the British Parliamentary system the prime minister is free to act under the royal prerogative, especially in foreign affairs, and this was seen in the war on Iraq12. Blair’s government apparently misled the UK public by stating that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction13. The MPs were allowed a tangible vote, indicating the growing trend to curb governmental powers under the royal prerogative14. Robin Cook, leader of the House of Commons resigned as he was against involvement in Iraq15. Blair ostensibly distorted the facts, in order to attack Iraq16. The judiciary has criticised the use of the royal prerogative to wage war17. Parliament and not the government should decide about engaging in a foreign war18, and Gordon Brown promised to address this shortcoming19. The remedy is to solely empower parliament to decide upon conducting a war20. Andrew Grice, MPs should be awarded Queens historic powers, says Campbell, June 11, 2007, Retrieved on January 1, 2009 from Gary Woodward, Self-inflicted injury: going to war in Iraq, November 22, 2007, Retrieved on January 1, 2009 from PASC Publishes

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Analysis of Black Criminal Stereotypes And Racial Profiling Article Research Paper

Analysis of Black Criminal Stereotypes And Racial Profiling Article Authored by Welch - Research Paper Example Welch seeks to address the diverse factors contributing to the criminal stereotyping of Blacks since this perception has, unfortunately, availed a rationale for the sorts for racial profiling employed by law enforcement agencies, as well as other criminal justice institutions (Welch, 2007). Welch uses prior research to explore the theoretical elements employed in the development of Black criminal characterization. The author highlights studies on theoretical elements employed in the development of Black criminal characterization. The prior research assumes a weak correspondence between the broadly embraced stereotypes and criminality (Quillian & Pager, 2001). Questions remain on the guarantee of the accuracy of data collection procedures, and as the information backing the observation may be erroneous. The article on racial profiling can be criticized based on its methods and conclusions. The author does not take into account the conceptual framework employed in the development of Black criminal characterization (Unnever & Gabbidon, 2011). This derives from the fact that different theories may explain racial disparities and problems arise when interpreting findings on racial profiling since the mere presence of disparity within the aggregate statistics does not, itself demonstrate racial bias in the same way that racial disparities within prison populations demonstrate racial bias by sentencing judges (Russell, 2013).   Welch cites empirical studies on Black and crime to demonstrate that Blacks remain mostly depicted in a negative light such as criminally threatening (Welch, 2007). This implies that can be understood as a crime-specific mode of racial prejudice and discrimination.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Solve the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Solve the questions - Essay Example The fact that smaller creatures are able to simulate and identify potential effects of pesticide exposure on humans is most intriguing. Animal testing is an integral part of the product and drug trails before their commercialization. The benefits of testing animals are the fact that it acts as a prototype through which the effects of the drug or product on human life can be simulated. The value of human life cannot be compared with that of animals, for this reason these product or drug trials cannot be tested on humans directly. The research helps increase the yield and betters result. On the negative aspect, the testing exacerbates the animal to early exposure and diseases. Others argue that testing effects on animals do not accurately simulate human’s response to the same drugs. This creates the problem associated with misleading results. Animal testing is essential in order to simulate and understand effects of toxicity in humans. This is proven by vaginal cancer and uterine deformities in offspring’s of rats that were exposed to DES. Offspring’s of humans that had been exposed to DES also developed similar symptoms as those seen in rats. The DES exposure case similarity in rats and humans clearly pointed out that animal testing does give accurate results that can be related to humans. Dr. Tyrone Hayes talks about using rats to simulate effects of toxicity in humans. Dr Hayes argued that effects of toxicity in rats reflect possible effects of exposure in humans. He presented the case of DES exposures in both rats and humans. DES exposure caused vaginal cancer and uterine deformities in offspring’s of those rats that had been exposed. Similarly, DES exposure in humans has caused similar symptoms to develop in offspring’s. Similarly, Atrazine exposure in humans can cause the same effects that it causes in rats. If you were a farmer that dependent on high yield of crops for a living do you think that you would use

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Arguments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Arguments - Assignment Example It is based on assumptions that are not clearly indicated. This cannot be utilized to discredit Betsy’s dating trend. Subsequently, nature cannot attest to the fact that it has things it does not attest. Therefore, the argument depends on unconfirmed assumptions to steer towards its interest. This implies that the argument lacks a clear ground for the establishing the contrary opinion and instead seeks to utilize unsupported assumptions as a premise for supporting its conclusion (Barnes, 2003). Im glad you all took the time to meet with me today, given the current crisis with Mrs. Brown, Clearly she is an unfit parent. Mrs. Brown refuses to give her children vitamin pills. Therefore, she ignores the basic health needs of her children. And anybody who ignores the basic health needs of her children is unfit parent. The premise places into contest the definition of basic health needs. Apparently, it is not clear from the argument why vitamin pills are included in the category of basic health needs. This implies that there exists a list of elements that are identified as basic health needs, of which Vitamin pills are included. Unfortunately, this information is not included in the argument. This makes the argument be founded on grounds that are comprised of assumptions. The argument seeks to assume that the audience upon which the statement is directed are aware of the elements that formulate basic health needs. This discredits its final conclusion (Searle, 2001). Sasha, the American exchange student, wants us to join an organization, Humanity International (HI), which supports justice and humanitarian goals worldwide. However, Id submit that this is not a good idea. HI is opposed to the death penalty. Therefore, the organization must advocate a "soft on crime" ideology (in favour of light sentences for murderers, rapists, and other violent offenders). Therefore, it endorses an ideology that leads to

Cultural Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Cultural Diversity - Essay Example Therefore, these issues need to be resolved at governmental as well as individual level. The United States has had an extensive history of diversity. Diversity has permeated in every aspect of the society of United State and there is no sign of it getting decreased. The new phenomenon which I learnt is the basic reason of cultural diversity, which is Immigration. Migration of people from all over the world has made America the most diversified country ever. People from every community, country and state are living in America. The cultural history of United States tells that the country has never been so much diverse until the last two decades. From the past 20 years, United States has undergone several challenges in managing with diversity. Inability to understand the diversified cultural languages, rituals, beliefs and heritage has become a major obstacle in the way of inclusion. Orientation of diversity includes interaction, experience and individual understanding with diverse culture. In the past few decades, millions of people migrated to America in the search of better life, job and security. Migrations of millions of people including Asians, Hispanics, African-American has caused great diversity in the states of America. According to an urban sociologist, Robert Lang, by 2050, Americans would look back and think that it wouldn’t be a big deal to control the immigration and diversity controversies. A demographer at Brookings Institution, William Frey, says that by looking at the current situation, the population of white people in next twenty years cannot be appreciated. According to his predictions, there are greater chances for America in future to have population comprising of all ethnicities and races. The realm of diversity in United States continues to grow as the time passes on. The reasons due to which practitioners are concerned to the issue of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Critical Thinking in Asking the Right Questions Research Paper - 1

Critical Thinking in Asking the Right Questions - Research Paper Example This is what will be attempted in the paper. The memo is written in response to the request made by director of operations regarding a leadership program for junior executives. The main issue discussed in the memo is the infeasibility of the proposed leadership program. The author argues that the proposed leadership program is not necessary because leaders are born and not made. Personal motivation of the direction of operations is questioned in the memo. The author concludes that a leadership program is not worth spending any money, and theories of leadership advocated by the director of operations are not in line with the culture of the company. Personal motivation behind the proposals is also highlighted in the conclusion. The reasons given in the memo for the infeasibility of the leadership program include selection issues, waste of money, ‘leaders are born not made’ view, leadership traits, and personal motivations of Miss Forsythe. Selection issues will be raised when many people will request for leadership training and this is something the company cannot afford, according to the memo. The leadership training will be a waste of money because the company has already fared well without such training in the past, and therefore the training is a waste of money. The philosophy of born leaders is used as a reason against leadership programs. The author argues that leaders are born and not made, and therefore leadership training will not help employees. Trait theory of leadership is used to dispel the idea of leadership training program in the memo. Another very important reason given against the leadership program is that the personal motivation of Miss Forsythe is to get the position of VP Human Resource. Ambiguity refers to the double meaning of words and phrases (Bach, 2012). There is ambiguity when the author talks about the company being prosperous

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Alcohol and Drugs in College Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alcohol and Drugs in College - Research Paper Example Although leaders of institutions have a major role to curb the abuse that compromises student’s grades and leads to poor public health, they have solely left the responsibility to students. The paper discusses the extent of the problem, causes, and the solution to this problem. Statistics and Prevalence Unlike in the past, taking drugs and consumption of alcohols has become an acceptable culture in many colleges in America. After some years of struggling with the issue, deans and parents seem to have given up, empowering students to continue. Recent statistics reveals that 49.4% of fulltime students between the age 18-22 binge alcohol and abuse other illegal drugs. From a research done in the year 1993 and another done in 2005, levels of abuse have not changed greatly. However, cases of excessive drinking continue to escalate as students consume alcohol more frequently and o higher levels. The same researches reveal that more students have taken up to drugs with an alarming ra te of more than 100%. For instance, marijuana users have doubled, while heroin and cocaine users went up by 52%. Apparently, female students match up their male student counterparts in drinking although women have a bigger share in drinking. Men college students have a bigger share in illicit drug abuse with women more likely to become heavy smokers Many college students start drinking and abusing drugs in junior high school and in high school. They take in small portions because the environment restricts usage can lead to discontinuation if one is caught with this behaviour. On joining college, such students are happy to find an environment that fosters drug abuse and more so, gives the students the freedom to attend or not to attend lectures. Arguably, students who use drugs and alcohol in high school use them twice as often-on joining colleges. The first factor that accelerates this behaviour is that on joining colleges, students experience a wide range of demands on individual, interpersonal, leaving home, peer pressure, and making new friends. In the course of making new friends, they meet with their peers who use drugs and alcohol and get lured into drugs. At the college level, experimenting with illegal drugs is a normal occurrence and an accepted routine done by students ignoring the negative effects of drugs. (Blum 65-7 0). Some students consume alcohol to lessen the stress they go in the process of adapting or to correct some psychological problems they might have. The second cause of drug and alcohol abuse in colleges is genetics and family history. Casa survey found out that 70% of college students confessed that their parent’s expectations influence them on whether how much they drink or use drugs (CASA web). College students with proper upbringing stand against the testing times of their peers and the pressure from their age. In the current America, most parents are absent and do not have time to advice their kids on proper behaviour in school. In addition, they themselves consume a lot of alcohol, from the bars or at times in the house, playing an inspirational role to their college students. The role of parents in fostering abuse comes in where some parents give too much money to their children. Therefore, they have enough to feed on, cloth, pay hostel and buy expensive illegal drugs. Others do not question their children usage of money. They just send them money as and when their

Monday, July 22, 2019

Philosophy of education Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of education Essay Philosophy is a set of beliefs or ideas one has towards their discipline or line of work. Don Kauchak and Paul Eggen, authors of the textbook â€Å"Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional,† define philosophy as â€Å"The study of theories of knowledge, truth, existence, and morality† [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. The philosophy of education is a very important aspect of teaching. It is meant to guide teachers in the classroom and offer insight to the thinking of past experts [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. It often will answer the main questions any new and even seasoned teachers have when preparing to teach in the classroom. There are various degrees of philosophy, for example; there is the philosophy of life, the philosophy of religion, and the philosophy of education. However, there are four philosophies of education they include: Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism, and Social Reconstructionism. After calculating my scores on the philosophical assessment in the Kauchak and Eggen textbook, I found that my personal philosophy of education is an equal combination of Perennialism and Social Reconstructionism. According to Kauchak and Eggen, Perennialism consists of the teaching of classic knowledge [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. This includes literacy, mathematics, and science. Another way of looking at this is teaching student’s subjects that they will use in the future, even if it does not seem relevant now. The definition of perennial is â€Å"long-term† and that is exactly how a teacher with a Perennialism philosophy teaches. Social Reconstructionism, according to Kauchak and Eggen is â€Å"An educational philosophy suggesting that schools, teachers, and students should lead in alleviating social inequities in our society† [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. In other words, a teacher with this philosophy teaches their students about social problems, improving society and teaching their students about personal responsibilities. Perennialism and Social Reconstructionism are each on opposite ends of the spectrum. Social Reconstructionism focuses more on the society in which the student lives, while Perennialism focuses more on the intellect of the student. Having these two as my personal philosophies is a bit difficult. While I do believe teaching tolerance and understanding is important, I also know that learning mathematics, science and literacy is equally important. After reading the scenario on page 219 of the Kauchak and Eggen textbook, I would respond to the students by first trying to motivate them. Offering incentives is a great way to get students’ attention; they are more eager to pay attention if they are pursuing it to get something out of it. You can use anything as a motivator; my favorite was always free dessert at lunch! You can also give extra credit points on the next quiz or for younger students you could offer an incentive such as â€Å"line leader† or â€Å"bathroom monitor† for the day. The younger students love when they think they are in charge of something, it can also help their self-esteem knowing they are doing something important. I do believe this is more of an example of Perennialism, however, depending on the specific motivator and the response it gets; it could be Social Reconstructionism as well. The second response I would try is starting a discussion. I would try getting the students’ attention by putting them in discussion groups or having a discussion as a whole class. This would definitely be an example of Social Reconstructionism. This encourages the students to work together and to come up with a solution together. It gives them a chance to ask each other questions before asking the teacher. It also compels them to stay focused on the topic and eliminates the â€Å"my hand wasn’t raised† excuse. My third response, though I would make it my last resort, would be to write a summary on what was taught during the instruction. By doing this, it makes the students want and need to listen in order to do their assignment correctly. This also offers a chance to get some feedback from the teacher and allows you to reflect on what you learned and what you need to work on. This is an example of Perennialism, as it deals with the thought process and encouraging literacy. While Perennialism and Social Reconstructionism are complete opposites, they also share some characteristics, making it easier to teach using both philosophies. Many common knowledge subjects can be transitioned to include activities that work well to alleviate social problems. In math, you can have the students work in groups. This promotes team work and logic. In literacy, you may give reading assignments dealing with a specific problem in society (e. g. poverty, bullying, etc) and have the students write summaries on what they read. This can promote logical thinking as well as establishing knowledge of the society issue in the reading.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Introduction To The Reflective Practice Education Essay

The Introduction To The Reflective Practice Education Essay Introduction Johns and Freshwaters (1998) define reflection as accessing and looking back into previous experiences helping to develop tacit and intuitive knowledge. Reflection as having to develop tacit and intuitive knowledge as defined by Johns and Freshwaters (1998) means having a common understanding about something with being sensitive to links with previous knowledge and experiences. Ghaye and Lillyman (2000) also defined reflection as a transformative process that changes or alters individuals and their motives. Reflection is also a way to reach awareness of how and why things have happened as stated by Johns (2002). Bout et al (1985) however gave a more in depth definition of what reflection is, they suggested that reflection in the context of learning is a generic term for those intellectual activities in which individual engage in on a daily basis to explore their experiences that will lead them to newer understandings and appreciations of what they have done. Moon (1999) concluded tha t reflection appears to be the engine that shifts learning into deep learning and that reflection transforms knowing in action into knowledge in action as stated by Moon (1999) and Schon (1983). Baird and Henderson (2001) then argued that this occurs because reflection allows an individual to gain the proper perspective on the field of action and to attain the understanding of the change in practice required. Reflection is also the process of reviewing an experience in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice as defined by Reid (1993). Reflection in the context of learning helps us to learn and grow and develop within ourselves. He also believes that reflection is an active process that requires self-control and self-discipline for it to be focused on one direction that could lead to personal development in practice. Learning can be defined as multi-dimensional in terms of where and how it takes place and yet, learning is also a very individual process and what is carried forward by an individual is what can only be truly be gauged by the learner. West et al. (2007) defines lifewide learning as a form of learning that is not only limited to the classroom, but also extends into many other areas of life. This means that we dont just learn in classrooms but we also learn by the experiences we go through in our lives. This is where reflection comes into relation as a way of learning as Moon (1999) concluded that reflection appears to be the engine that shifts learning into deep learning. Lifelong learning also refers to a process of learning that continues across our lives (Jarvis, 2004). This means that, we never stop learning as we grow older and that we learn different things as each day comes. In relation to nursing, lifelong learning is a professional reality for nurses and other health care pro fessionals because the healthcare and the technologies that support it are constantly evolving. Because of this, learning in the healthcare industry often takes place in the form of practice development and professional development (Mason and Whitehead-Mason, 2008). Many models have been introduced to aid people to reflect effectively with positive results. Taylor (2000) suggested that reflection requires effort that utilises the qualities of determination, courage, and a sense of humour in order to be able to deal with what an individual might find out. This means that an individual reflecting into something must possess these qualities in order to establish an effective outcome. For that, there have been many reflective models that have been introduced to suit the reflector. Using a model helps an individual to identify key stages of his or her reflective learning and the structure can help the individual to keep going when he or she is dealing with complex situations. It is then important to choose what model suits the individuals needs and that he or she might find it easy to use. Reflective cycles offer the possibility to connect what has been learned from one experience with another. One of the most widely used reflective cycles is Gibbs (1998) reflective cycle. The cycle outlines specific steps to guide the learning individual through different processes. The first step of the cycle is to ask the learner to describe an event that has happened which then leads on the second stage where the individual thinks about how he or she felt during the event relating to what has been described in the first stage, by acknowledging the emotions involved during the event, the learner will be able to consider processes such as how to deal and cope with emotions in difficult situations that may be aroused by caring work and learning. Thirdly, the learner then evaluates the event or activity whether it was good or bad and what steps needs to be considered following the event. Evaluation also allows the learner to begin thinking about what are the main issues that needs to b e resolved. This stage can then lead the learner to analyse in greater detail by considering what knowledge is available or might need to be developed, and what other choices might have been available in the given event or situation and the possible consequences if one of those choices had been chosen instead. The analysis of the event will help the learner to critically think about what has really happened and what steps should be made in order for him or her to solve the given situation and to reflect upon on. Given the analysis of the situation or event, this stage will help the learner to make sense of what has happened which will lead to the stage of coming up with a conclusion from what they have thought about during the whole process. The conclusion will ask the learner what other steps could have been done to improve the given event or situation which will then lead to an action plan. Another model that can be used in reflection is Driscolls (2007, p44.) reflective cycle. Driscoll developed Bortons (1970) 3 stem questions; what?, so what?, and what now?. He matched the three questions to the stages of an experimental learning cycle and this cycle views reflection as a process of interrogating. These three questions encompass the need to be clear in the interpretation, interrogation and presentation of learning through reflection. By using this model of reflection, the learner will then ask him or herself three simple questions. The first question or the what stage will always refer to being able to describe the given situation in words. Some trigger questions maybe what happened? or what was my reaction to the event or situation?. The next stage is the so what stage where the learner begins to analyse the important aspects of the given situation and experience from which new findings can be made. And the final question is the what now? stage where the individual p roposes new actions based on the findings that was found in the second stage which may be reworked in multiple different situations. This model of reflection is simple but effective because it is easy to remember three simple questions and can easily be asked as a part of most conversation between individuals within practice (Jasper 2003). Johns (2004) developed a model for structured reflection. This identifies how an individual might want to examine his or her experience more extensively and in greater depth in order to really learn from it. The models starting point is the creation of a space for reflection which means stilling the mind so it can focus. The model then encompasses a number of reflective cues or questions in which the practitioner or individual is asked to think about in the course of reflecting on a given situation. The cues are: aesthetics, personal, ethical, empirical and reflexive aspects. Aesthetics relates to how the individual feels about, responds to and perceives the situation and those involved. Personal aspects explore what from the person was influencing them. Ethics refers how actions are related to ethical guidelines and beliefs. Empirics are concerned with what knowledge is used and lastly, reflexivity relates to how experiences are connected and the possibility of given alternatives to doing things differently. Reflective Practice Schon (1991) identified reflective practice as an important aspect of the learning life of professionals. Rolfe (1998) also defined reflective practice as a process that develops understandings of what it means to be a practitioner and makes the link between theory and practice through the practitioner consciously thinking through the individuals experience as stated by Jasper (2003). This concept is particularly important for practitioners to aid the development of a clearer understanding of their position and support the learning and developing of new skills, with this context, reflection occurs within the experience or by looking further back at the previous experience. This is where the idea of reflective practice comes in hand. Schon (1991) identified these concepts and ideas as reflection in action and reflection on action. Reflection in action is defined as knowing what to do and making a difference within a given situation whereas reflection on action is referred to as examin ing some of those in moment decisions for the possibility of differing choices. Reflective practice requires careful consideration of knowledge and ideas and also, reflective practice considers practice as a holistic entity that cannot be always be rationalised as holism means looking at the wider picture and going in greater detail with it. This therefore concludes that reflective practice is based on an individuals own experiences and intuitive learning. Knowledge derived from practice does not always add up to professional knowledge unless it has been reflected on for its significance (Eraut, 1994).

Marks and Spencers Recruitment Process

Marks and Spencers Recruitment Process Abstract- Marks Spencer (MS) is UK based one of the biggest retailers in the world, Over 895 store in more than 40 territories around the world are being operated by the Company. Plan A that consists of 100 commitments such as climate change, waste, sustainable raw materials, and fair partnership has been announced by MS to become a world first environmental friendly retailer of the world by 2015. Company believes that it will= Become carbon neutral Send no waste to landfill Extend sustainable sourcing Help improve the lives of people in their supply chain Help customers and employees live a healthier life-style In January 2008, Marks and Spencer share price has fallen down by 18% following publication of their trading statement. Though it was a serious set back for their target to become a first environmental friendly retailer but in February 2010 MS reconfirm that due to moral reason they will continue their project Plan A but it will be fully completed by 2015 instead of 2012. The now iconic brown, reusable, environmental friendly bag was first introduced in 2007 as an early part of this plan. It is hope that this will reduce the use of plastic carrier bags over the next few years. Importance of project planning: Project planning is first and very important phase in project management which determines what the project is based on and what requirement does a project need to complete the project efficiently and timely. But it is understood that MS has failed to get its target that were supposed to be completed by 2012. Though project planning is very important and it has to be made before starting a project but it is mostly to bring some changes during the course of project. So, it is essential to update constantly and regularly. If a project plan has been done on the basis of inadequate resources and information and if any inefficient person plans any project than that project will most likely to fail. A project needs a team to do its entire task and tasks have to be specified on the project plan. Project planner has to provide formula for both to plan and to communicate what needs project has to done. Project manager must be able to provide outline of the project both to plan and to communicate and necessary task of the project. Apart from structure, several unrelated tasks have to be done according to needs. So, it is essential to confirm that project must have work breakdown. Priority of works has been explained below- Work Breakdown Structure Area- MS is a large company. Their project such as Plan A is a large retailer too where the company is investing  £200 million. Therefore the project has to be dealt by an efficient and experienced project manager. Project Leadership- Selection of Project manager is very vital stage to get success for a project. Project manager must be self-discipline. He/she must be able handle any good or bad situation such as coaching, technical difficulties, political pressure. He must have project management experience. He has to set his communicate goals clearly, manage the project team as a group, build relationship through communication and consideration. Staffing Plan- Staffing plan is pre-requisite stage to get success for a project. Determine the level of skills, identify experience requirements are two critical factor for a successful project. Project organization- Project roles and responsibilities documentation such as map Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) is one of the key stage for planning a project. Publish and maintain organization chart; address conflicting goals and loyalities; promote team ownership of integrated solutions Project Team Building- Articulate a team building vision, objectives, and strategy; provide goals, supportive resources and tools, and meaningful measures of success; develop team ownership of this process Identify criteria for successful team performance; articulate strategy and plan for achieving team goals; develop metrics and monitor status; invest to improve team dynamics and cohesiveness. Conduct team sessions to improve communications and facilitate issue identification and resolution; build team identity; solicit and address team concerns Recruitment, selection and training of personnel Marks Spencer has been Developing a long-running strategy / Evolving a family-friendly strategy for a large and diverse workforce. MS recruitment, selection training of personnel has been made on the basis some key factors. MS human resource management issues can be analysed in terms of legal, moral and business consideration. With reference to the stated aims of recruitment, this consideration could be said to be: Legal- To complies with anti-discrimination legislation. Moral- To avoids unfair discrimination for moral reasons as well as obedience to the law. Business- To ensures that all efforts are directed towards achieving corporate and not personal goal. Marks and spacer believes in a systematic approach to conduct their recruitment and selection process on the basis of company human resource strategy and equal opportunities goal. Equality of Opportunity for Everyone MS always emphasis on ensuring equality of opportunity for every member of MS team. Promoting a working environment free from discrimination, harasement and victimisation. on the basis of: gender, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, gender reassignment race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, hours of work religious or political beliefs disability age Raise staff awareness by designing and delivering training programmes that support the Equal Opportunities aims. Comply with the law and communicate to our stakeholders the responsibility to protect both individuals and the company. Personal effectiveness: MS personal effectiveness programmes consists of several things such as communication skills, confidence building, conflict management, creativity and innovation, personal presentation, presentation skills, time and pressure management. Organizational change: Efficiency and professional approach of the MS staffs towards their work is making the company success. Dedicated human resources of the major source of competitive advantage. The case with MS is a scenario of rapid organisational transformation, which was based on a vision imposed on the company in a mainly directive fashion, down from the top, by its management and CEO, but which could potentially lead to a widespread change of attitudes and behaviours in the company. This change in the middle of the trading period was a risky action and would bring a big confusion for the staff, putting a high pressure on their performance. Source- Power politics- Though marks and spencers believes in equal oppoturnaities and fair trade they are trying to keep political connection. M S recruited their new CEO who is an active and influential conservative leader. It is assumed that Convervative party is most likely to come to the power. Conflict resolution- Usually conflict is the result of poor communication which can be resolved with openness and mutual trust. MS staffs always been trained to increase interpersonal communication skills. Recruiting MS employed around 71,000 people in the UK, 75,000 worldwide. The company has the lowest employee turnover rates in UK retail, at 27% for customer assistants and 12% for management. Around 40% of our people have been with us for over 5 years and 22% for more than ten years. Staff recruitment can become a major proposal task for any project. The project manager may need to utitilize member of his own staff or HR department to handle the many aspects of recruitment. But it can be a good idea to have a processs in place and a perhaps a few checklists to help organizing recruitment efforts. MS has been using different types of techniques to recruit its staff. Some of the techniques are explained below- The scale and scope of the opportunities on offer at Marks Spencer is really higher than others competitors. Trainee management scheme: MS claimed that their trainee management program is one of the pretty unique recruitment systems. Under this program trainee managers enables to reach commercial manager level within two years. On top of that those managers are getting best salary on the high street. Graduate management trainee scheme: Graduate Management Trainee scheme is one of the best in retail industry. This scheme has been recognised by TARGETjobs National Graduate Recruitment Awards 2009 which has been published in The Times. Graduate Events- MS is regularly attending graduate events such as Cambridge career fair, leeds career fair, national graduate recruitment fair Olympia, National Graduate recruitment fair NEC. Apart from that regular scheme MS recruit their staff with a highly professional online recruitment process. Selection Procedure- Retailers like Marks and Spencer have complex recruitment needs and have to deal with high volumes of applications to fill a large number of similar positions. Marks and Spencer manages all applications for store jobs via WCNs Applicant Tracking System. The system is based on complex two way integration with the Marks and Spencer HR system. The system now allows candidates who are successful after applying and completing online tests, to book their own interview within an hour of completing their application. Stores input vacancies and give available assessment times on the Marks and Spencer HR system, this data is then transferred to the WCN system and displayed to candidates online. The functionality was launched in July 2006 and over 42,000 candidates were able to schedule their own interviews for Christmas vacancies that year. It should be mentioned here that MS e-recruitment software, which was innovated by WCN Plc, has been awarded 2007 winners of the Award for Best Technical Innovation in Online Recruitment. That award was their second achievement since introduce their recruitment software. Training of personnel- Marks and Spencers believe that en extra ordinary strategy must be made to get competitive advantages over the competitors. And this led to a need for change. The focus of change was on core areas These include quality, value and service. Customers also expect innovation (bringing in new ideas) and a shop they can trust. Any innovative changes can be brought by the trained and creative staffs. Marks and Spencers trained its staff are at three levels. Trainee managers who have just passed A-level University student who have just passed their degree. Experienced maangers from other areas. Each manager requires a number of skills. These include team working, financial skills or leadership. Marks and Spencer is able to spot skills gaps. It matches current skills against those required for the job. Where these do not match, training can take place. At the end of every six months, an appraisal takes place. This is a discussion between manager and staff. It highlights where staff have improved. It also shows where more training is needed. This helps staff to construct a career path. This process creates a cycle of improvement. Part-3 of the assignment Teamwork, discussion of relevant concepts and theories Teamwork is the joint effort by a group of people to achieve a common goal. MS has been maintaining some kind of performance indicator to measure its achievement. Interpersonal behaviour is more important than interpersonal relationship to do a good teamwork. MS measures their teamwork with applying the principles of performance management to the groups behaviour. The emphasized on group performance rather than individual. They have set their reward system for group basis. Some basic steps involves with group behaviour, these are explained below- Team work- Identifying what teamwork behaviours will lead to better performance. One way to identify target teamwork behaviours is to complete the ITPQ(TM) (Ideal Team Profile Questionnaire(TM)) instrument. This can be completed by the team, peer groups, staff, customers, senior management and others to provide a wide range of views of what would make the team successful. Identifying and manage conflicting expectation of them between, say, management and customers. Ask a wide perspective when setting behavioura goals for themselves, which should prove the quality of those goals. Facilitate a dialogue within the team and with others outside the team on how to mprove performance. Take a wide perspective when setting behavioural goals for themselves, which whould improve the quality of those goals. Current behavior Assessing which teamwork behaviors are currently being used. It is understood current behaviors may be influenced by some key factors, such as: The Organizational structure The performance of team members Current circumstances Feedback from people outside the team. Many other factors One way to identify current behaviours is to complete the MTRi (Management Team Roles-indicator (TM) instrument. This is completed by the individuals within the team, and it indentifies the roles they are currently performing which can be aggregated to show the collective team behaviours. However, MS have built trust and engagement and a shared sense of common purpose over time are reaping the reward in terms of motivated employees willing to go the extra mile, despite the tough environment. Some of the M S staff s have been interviewed to get some information about M S in regards to managing staff. Most of the employees feel a strong sense of family within their teams, but some of them said managers attitude towards their staff is not appropriate. About 9 of 10 male and female colleagues believe their colleagues care about each other. Working together gives them a buzz and almost every staff believes teammates are very fun. Staffs are working at Marks and Spencer as their own business but they believe that company does care very little about that. Though some kind of reward has been given by the company but colleagues believe that reward is not adequate. Everyone believes that dedicated staffs can make difference in the organization with reaching their goals and direction. Marks and spencer always try to bring theory but in real life they are not practicing it properly. Some of the managers are very keen to empower their manager to achieve their target but some of them like to run their store with a dictatorship attitude. Half of the interviewed staff says their managers are not open and honest in regards to work. Very few of them said they are getting appreciation for their good job. Everyone said that senior managers are visiting their premises very often even work on the sales floor. Senior managers attitude showing that they want to connect with the teams, Leadership The term ‘Leadership is easy to explain, In a practical field leadership is a very tough task. Behavioral attitude is first quality for a leader than skills. A good leaders are trusted and respected by his/her followers. Leadership is little bit different from the management. Planning, organization and communication skills are main responsibilities for management. Though leadership relies on management skills too, but more so on qualities such as integrity, honesty, humility, courage, commitment, sincerity, passion, confidence, positivity, wisdom, determination, compassion, sensitivity and a degree of personal charisma. Leadership can be performed with different styles. Some leaders have one style, which is right for certain, situations and wrong for others. Some leaders can adapt and use different leadership styles for given situations. The Greening of Marks and Spencer: An example of creative leadership Stuart Rose, CEO of the MS announced a policy document that will make MS a first green retailer of world by 2015. It commits the retailer to a range of specific actions at an estimated cost of some  £200 million over the next five years. The plan has been welcomed by a range of commentators. Yet, closer inspection suggests it is a shrewd concession to corporate responsibility rather than a radical move that might frighten traditional commercial investors. It can also be seen as an example of creative leadership. In a flurry of personal interviews, Stuart Rose announced a hundred-point, five year plan for MS that aims at re-engineering the companys activities to meet a range of socially responsible goals from carbon neutrality, ethical-trading, sustainable-sourcing, and health-promoting products and projects. He told the BBC that the company has estimated five year-costs of the plan to be in the region of  £200 million pounds. In one interview, Green in his show and tell mode had brought along plastic bottles and a coat (purporting to ) incorporate the plastic from similar bottles after recycling. MS Leadership: Dictatorial leaderships history in MS MS leadership has been dominating by men. Micheal Marks founder of MS had the traits of an entrepreneur. As the leadership was passed on through the family, increased competition within the heirs led to emergence of stronger characters. Micheals son Simon Marks and later Simons brother in law Israel Sieff changed the leadership style towards a stronger dictatorial influence. 1998-99 period was a underperforming duration for MS. About 40% of MS share price has fallen down. As the Zara and Next took market share from the top end of the market while the same time value offering were attached by the supermarkets who were increasingly entering the same market. Rose leadership- In 2004 performance was poor, with customer defecting to competitors. Investors were uneasy and showing sighns of losing confidence. Its leadership team does not encompass the right mix of skills, knowledge and experience to enable the company to regain its long-held position as a market leader. This was the scenario which Stuart Rose stepped into, when he became CEO of UK retail giant, MS, in May 2004. Rose was determined to: Make fundamental changes Change from bureaucratic old fashioned organization into a modern dynamic force. Implement the missing ‘Shared values to complete the transformational leadership model. Roses leadership strategy- Engaging employees at all levels: Before 2004, A major side effect of the loss of confidence in MS was low employee morals. Rose focused on re-building employee pride and commitment. But he was also ruthless in removing some long-term employee perks which had grown to become rights. He introduced more professional, performance based contracts for staff which were desighend to reinforce and reward behaviours whicch support organizational performance. Though Mr. Rose has been running the company with some dictatorial attitude but the results were striking. But above all, the success of these changes are founded on confidence and belief in Rtuart Rose as a leader. MS leadership- In-house practice MS has developed its leadership strategy with some extra ordinary key features to implement it through leadership training, coaching and development. Tanith Dodghe, group HR director of Marks and Spencer mentioned this strategy as ‘this is not just leadership, its MS leadership Motivation Employee Motivation: Giving power to the people Frederick Herzberg Two Factor theory In 1957, Herzberg devised his motivation hygiene theory which stated that two groups of factors affect employee motivation. Herzberg said that certain elements in a job motivate people to do better. He called these elements Satisfiers. They include: Achievement Recognition Responsibility Advancement Personal growth Actual work itself Other elements do not motivate people to work harder. These are referred to as hygiene factors. They are: Pay and conditions Status within the company Job security Benefits Relationships with fellow workers Quality of the companys managers Frederic Taylor- Scientific Management Taylor worked as a factorysuperintendent in a locomotive factory in the USA. From carrying outstudies of how people worked making axles, he concluded that: Employees were successful in getting jobs there because they knew the managers, not because they were good at the job. Employees did not work hard enough for fear of their friends losing their job Employers paid their employees aslittleas they could possibly get away with Employees were given little instruction of how to do their job and it was often done badly. The amount and quality of products produced was very poor. Taylor said that his ideas would improve matters: Money was the only thing that motivated employees to work hard. If the workers were paid per item made, they would want to make more and would work harder. Trained managers should run the company and supervise employees with firm but fair discipline procedures. Employees must be properly trained to do their job Employee should be properly and fairly selected for jobs through tests and interviews. This is to make sure that the right person gets the job. How Marks and Spencers performance management/training and development systems have been influenced by the motivational theories MS use Maslows theory by helping staff set and reach their goals at work, they encourage their staff and praise them when they are doing well and staff also receive rewards for good work. MS use Herzbergs two factor theory by treated their employees well by giving them a good salary, good working conditions and by giving them sick pays and pensions schemes, they also give their staff responsibilities to make them feel like there are important to the company and motivate them. MS use Mcgregors theory by having managers who have trust in the workers and help them improve and do their best and also by giving managers bonuses to motivate them. Marks and Spencers also use Taylors Scientific Management theory by paying its employees in order to work and by having able managers control the staff. Cross cultural Issues in MS- MS diversity MS has a diverse range of employee and they are maintaining a active equal opportunities policy. This not just to cover the recruitment and selection procedures but runs through training and development, apraisal, promostion opportunities and eventually to retirement. We promote an environment free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation and work hard to ensure everyone is offered equality of opportunity to achieve their full potential. All the decisions we make relating to employment practices are objective, free from bias and based solely upon work criteria and individual merit.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Combray Section of Marcel Prousts Swanns Way Essay -- Swanns Wa

The Combray Section of Marcel Proust's Swann's Way      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The "Combray" section of Marcel Proust's Swann's Way is an extended meditation on an idyllic past. The book begins, though, not with recollections of Combray, but with a description of the narrator's half-asleep state, a state of consciousness where he does not know where, or even who, he is. The expanded memories of his past, then, seem an attempt to establish a stable sense of self, a sense that continually eludes him. In this exploration, which constitutes the entirety of the "Combray" section, we find the narrator, a young man with literary aspirations, struggling to understand the characters of his childhood in a way that captures their contradictions, only to find that each person seems more like a spectrum of singular, varying selves than a single delimited identity.    When we encounter the narrator addressing the problems faced by the artist, he notes that "the ingenuity of the first novelist" lay in the realization that a simplification of characters that corresponds to the "suppression" of "'real' people" inevitably makes novels stronger, more effective in conjuring a sympathetic response from a sensitive reader. "A 'real' person," he begins, profoundly as we may sympathize with him, is in a great measure perceptible only through our senses, that is to say, he remains opaque, offers a dead weight which our sensibilities have not the strength to lift. If some misfortune comes to him, it is only in one small section of the complete idea we have of him that we are capable of feeling any emotion; indeed it is only in one small section of the complete idea he has of himself that he is capable of feeling any emotion either. (83) ... ... key to inner life. As everyone is guarded, influenced by the conditions that surround them, the social conditions, it seems that only when alone may they be truthful.    But instead of confirming this, instead of giving us insight into the "core" essence of his characters, the "truth" that all their masks conceal, Proust confounds us by making the confessions imparted in solitude as constructed as any others. In fact, perhaps the only distinguishing factor, is that in solitude, his characters are free to feel and admit guilt, something they would be reluctant to admit in public. But even in private, their lives are organized as a sort of public confession, as they struggle to maintain the illusion of a stable self.    Work Cited Proust, Marcel. Swann's Way. Trans. C. K. Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin. NY: Random House, 1981.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

Post WWI Poetry Essay :: English Literature

Post WWI Poetry Essay The poems that I will compare are Rupert Brooke – The Soldier, Seigfried Sassoon – ‘They’, and How Sleep the Brave – William Collins. Rupert Brooke - The Soldier The first few words that Brooke uses are ‘If I should die,’ He uses if as a possibility of death. He uses this because he thinks death is a possibility not a definite answer to war. The forth word he uses connects the Sestet and Octave together because ‘think’ is used in both stanza. At the end of the first line he says ‘me’. This means that he is a ‘patriotic soldier who has done his duty for his country’. ‘That there’s some corner of a foreign field’. This means where every he falls during the war, no matter if it is in a shell hole or on the edge of a river he will be able to die in a piece of England. This shows even more patriotism towards the war and his fellow soldiers. The line ‘in that rich earth a richer dust concealed’, means that the soldier’s ashes are held in the earth. They have been called ‘richer dust’ because the ashes of the people are the ashes of people who have dies for their country and their fellow countrymen. This also means that his body fertilizes the patriotism and honour of England’s people. ‘A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware’, means that the man who died was raised by England and educated. This personifies England as a mother nurturing a small child. The soldier’s body is said to be owned by England in the line, ‘A body of England’s’. In the poem the word ‘blest’ is used some this may have some religious significance. The lines 5 – 8 are describing the soldiers ‘Englishness’. It is patriotism at its most extreme. In the second stanza, the word ‘think’ arises again, joining the sestet and octave. ‘All evil shed away’, means that the person who has sacrificed their body for their country cannot sin any more because they are dead. This may also mean that they may have been forgiven for killing the enemy to protect their country and its rights of freedom. ‘A pulse in the eternal mind’ has a spiritual or religious meaning. It could mean that all of the people, who knew him in the war and his family, still remember him and will do forever. ‘Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given’, continues the patriotism and emphasizes his sacrifice for England. The last three lines describe the ‘Good of England’. The last line ‘In hearts at peace, under an

Construction Of The Great Pyramid Essay -- essays research papers

Of the three theories on how the Great Pyramid was built, in descending order of acceptability, the most suitable theory is Clifford Wilson’s followed by Joseph Davidovits’ and Erich Von Dà ¤niken’s argument. Clifford Wilson’s theory is the best because he illustrates how the pyramids were built and provides the evidence to prove his theory, however; this is unlike Joseph Davidovits’ theory because Davidovits does not fully answer questions that arise concerning his theory. The three theories have similar points, but contain very different ideas on the construction of the Great Pyramid. This is obvious in Clifford Wilson’s argument where he is repeatedly disproving Von Dà ¤niken’s theory that the â€Å"gods† created the pyramids, whereas in Davidovits theory the pyramids were simply casted by means of chemically mixing Natron, aluminum and silicon to produce artificial rock. These three individuals express different ideas on t he building of the building of the Great Pyramid. Clifford Wilson has the most acceptable theory compared to the other two individual’s arguments. In Clifford Wilson’s theory, he suggests that the pyramids were built with the â€Å"heave-ho† method. With the use of sleds made from wood that is easily imported from Phoenicia and rope, it is an acceptable theory on how the Great Pyramid was built. Wilson has also seen workers, using a single rope and pulley, move stones as the supervisor chants out instructions. One question that arises is how the builders were able to lift the stones into place. Wilson explains that during the construction of the pyramid, a ramp made of earth could be increased as the height of the pyramid increased. Once outer limestone blocks are fitted into place the earth could simply be removed. Clifford Wilson clearly verifies his theory with specific details, which displays that his theory is the most logical and suitable explanation of the construction of the Great Pyramid. Although Clifford Wilson’s theory is the best, there are still a few weaknesses throughout his argument. Wilson suggests that by using a system of pulleys, levers and ropes its is possible to construct the pyramid. With recent studies, it has been shown that if using a lever system as Wilson suggests, the fulcrum’s height must be increased, and at certain heights, the whole lever can become unstable. Another problem that is brought up is with the use of... ...nce. Von Dà ¤niken’s theory is clearly the worst when compared to the other two arguments, and this is particularly due to incorrect data. Even though Von Dà ¤niken’s theory is the poorest in quality, he still brings up important ideas that need to be examined. For example, the Egyptians knew the distance between the sun and the earth, and the geographical locations of other continents. This information could have been thought up, but it is more realistic to consider that Egyptians did have contact with extra-terrestrials. Despite Von Dà ¤niken’s bad theory , he still brings up key issues, but generally his theory is of no use because of the lack of significant data. Of the three theories, Clifford Wilson’s theory remains the most acceptable because he illustrates how the pyramids were built and provides the evidence to prove his argument. Joseph Davidovits on the other hand, does not fully answer questions that arise concerning his theory. Von Dà ¤niken’s theory contains incorrect and irrelevant data that makes his theory the worst when compared to the other two arguments. In conclusion, Clifford Wilson had many effective points that disproved many Davidovits’ and Von Dà ¤niken’s points.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analysis – Investigating the Effects of Trampling on

A basic trend can be drawn from the results collected. The kite diagram emphasises clearly the effects of trampling on species distribution near footpaths. On the path very little to no species grew, whereas towards the edges of the footpath there was an increase in species number and variety. Moreover, the data gathered from testing the footpath for compaction revealed that the path itself has greater compaction than the areas to either side of it. Further more, the drainage time of the soil showed a similar trend in that where areas of soil were more compact, the drainage time was higher. Also where areas of soil were less compact the drainage time was less. The spearman's rank value supports this trend by revealing a positive correlation between the drainage time and the compaction of the soil. The kite diagram reveals the trend that less species tend to grow on footpaths. This is due to the fact that as people walk on the footpaths the soil becomes increasingly compact. This leads to the soil particles being forced closer together creating a decrease in air space which results in the water taking longer to drain into the soil. As soil becomes compact, root growth is inhibited due to lack of air space. The roots grow shorter and thicker which largely decreases the overall surface area of the roots which leads to the plant being unable to absorb adequate nutrients and moisture. Moreover, as the roots become inhibited, they are limited to the amount of soil they can explore. This can decrease the plant's ability to take up nutrients. Similarly, as water runs off compact soil it dissolves the nutrients and carries them away, a process known as leeching. As the drainage time is far greater on the footpath, this lack of water results in the soil having very little nutrients. The lack of air space reduces the number of aerobic bacteria. Atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by bacteria. Lack of bacteria will result in a decrease of nitrates for the plants. Plants need nitrates for proteins and for nucleic acids and will die without these. The nitrogen cycle is unable to progress as less water and oxygen leads to fewer microbes and less decay which results in less nutrients. Compact soil may hold little water which will lead to plants with xerophytic adaptations being able to thrive. More plants are able to grow better in less compact soil due to an increase in the air space available. This can provide the roots with space to grow and the water with space to drain through. Therefore more nutrients and water provide the plant with adequate living conditions. Grass has a very low growing point allowing it to survive after being cut short. Its rolled leaves provide added protection when being trampled upon. From the kite diagram we are able to see that grass can grow on the footpath but there is less of it. This maybe due to the possibility of the footpath not being used by the public for a while, thereby giving the grass time to develop. However, as grass has its growing point at the base of the plant, and is therefore not damaged when cut, grass is better adapted to survive in trampled areas than other plants that have their growing points in more vulnerable areas. Rosette plants have a growing point which is protected by leaves which emerge from a central point. This enables the plant to be highly adaptable to varied conditions. In contrast, the Violet plants are very delicate and their growing point is exposed. This results in the plant being less adaptable and more likely to survive in well controlled, less compact environments. The plant Heather prefers slightly more acidic soil to obtain the best growing conditions. They also need a significant amount of moisture in the soil, which will not be found on highly compact pathways. The growing point of Heather is quite vulnerable, being at the base of a plant that will often spread out. The kite diagram supports this as no Heather was located on the footpath. Spearman's rank calculation demonstrates a positive correlation between the drainage time and the compaction of the soil. If the soil is less compact then in general, the drainage time should be less also. Similarly, if the soil is more compact then the drainage time should take longer than normal. Water that is trapped in compact soil has difficulty moving up through the soil surface where it can evaporate and reduce soils temperature. Therefore the soil water in compact areas can heat up from increased thermal conductivity of the denser soil. This can cause significant damage to the roots of plants. Compaction can result in significant reduction of the rate at which rainwater can penetrate the soil's surface. This is confirmed by the spearman's rank calculation showing a positive correlation, and the data gathered when measuring the drainage time of both compact and less compact soil on the footpaths. Heavily compact soil has a reduced rate of both water infiltration and drainage from the compacted layers. This is because compact soil contains few large pores which are the most effective in moving water through the soil when it is saturated. In conclusion, the reasons why trampling on species near footpaths affects their distribution is due to a range of factors; the soil compaction, drainage time and the species itself. The soil is proven to be generally more compact on the footpaths than in the surrounding areas. This compact soil on footpaths leads to increases drainage time as the soil has less pores or air space which would normally aid water absorption. The growth point of a plant can also be a factor as to why trampling on species on footpaths affects their distribution. A trend was shown from the data collected that grass, a very adaptable and sturdy plant, was able to grow on footpaths and withstand the trampling. This is due to grass having a growing point at the base of the plant where it is protected well. In contrast, the Violet plants were recorded to only grow in the surrounding areas of the footpaths. This is due to the growing point being highly exposed. The spearman's rank value shows a positive correlation between drainage time and the compaction of the soil. As the spearman's rank value is greater than the critical value, 0.414>0.377, it can be valued as reliable. Moreover, the confidence level of the spearman's rank calculation is 95% which can be valued as very reliable.